Sunday, May 31, 2009

How much do you know about 'soft drinks'?

Soft much do you know about them?

Most of the water on the earth today has been seriously polluted and dirtied by various artificial means, such as industrial and agricultural wastes, household chemicals, sewage and unseen chemicals and heavy metals. All these we are aware and most of us know how to use a filter to filter polluted waters before drinking.

What about those drinks, those unsafe drinks full of additives, colorings, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificially flavored and so much carbonated? What part of our body serves as a filter? Which body organ is doing the dirty job? Have you ever thought about a replacement of that specific body organ?

Our kidney, our liver are doing these fantastic jobs in filtering and detoxifying poisonous and toxemia from our blood system obtained from liquids and foods that we drink and eat everyday. Do you think that one day our liver or kidney would be overworked or overloaded and failed to do their work? By then where are you going to get a spare kidney? A spare liver? From just any animal? That is impossible! or waiting for some body's kidney or liver?

Our body organs are precious and priceless and no where can spares be bought or replaced as easily as we do to vehicles. Spare parts of cars or motors can be easily manufactured and mass-produced. Robots, machines or any engines can be repaired and replaced. So far, I have yet to read or discover any factory or industry that can make or manufacture human body parts. That would be one wonderful business, I guess... if there is, but.....

Most soft drinks are carbonated producing a fizzy taste and feeling when opened. The carbon dioxide gas is forced into the sweet liquid and pressurized. Carbon dioxide is considered a waste product of human metabolism and should be expelled and avoided. The situation worsens when the soft drink is again fortified with phosphoric acid. Our human blood must be maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.3 at all times. It is we who purposely upset the natural balance of our blood. The more acid our blood level becomes, the more tendency our body cells will grow abnormally..

One serving of 350ml serving of coke, pepsi or similar soft drink delivers a sugar content equivalent to about 3 to 5 tablespoons of refined sugar straight into our bloodstream, instantly upsetting our blood's PH balance. It is so acidifying that our body immediately counteracts by extracting organic calcium from our bones and teeth and neutralizing our blood. It will slowly drain our calcium reserves in our body causing osteoporosis and weaken bones. Is that worth it?

What else? Worst of all is this hazardous refined white sugar we call 'sucrose' which will upset our blood's PH the instant one eats sugary products. The white plague... is notorious in nutrients robbing. It is also famous for upsetting the balance of our blood's PH, but how many people knows about it? Something should be done. Whose fault is it that most of us are ignorant of the dangers of soft drinks?

Stay away from soft drinks, avoid buying and stocking up cartoons of soft drinks, meant as 'good will' for our guests, but actually endangering their health. New Year is never complete without soft drinks, some told me that... but if really they know how much harm it will cause us, how much pain and suffering it will result in, nobody would like to invite trouble and buy sickness. Leave alone those soft drinks, for goodness sake.

Soft drinks are mostly sweetened with refined cane sugar or corn syrup. It contains no vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein or any essential nutrients. Studies have shown a corelation between soft drinks with obesity. It is high-caloried and linked to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. Most fizzy soft drinks may have a pH of 3 or even lower. It is an extremely acidic drink and also erode the tooth enamel leading to further decay of our teeth. Some soft drinks even contain carcinogens known as benzene, a cancer-causing agent.

We are what we used to drink too, not just we are what we eat!

If you want to know more, I can just tell you another unfortunate case whereby a young prince who lived the palace died at the age of 12 from overeating of wrong foods and drinks. Well, just to let you know, this prince never drink plain water, his favourite drink was coke, and red meats, just any junk foods and was in the care of an 'amah' who knew nothing, and who thought that all those foods and drinks can be consumed. But? In the end, is it affection or a curse????? Don't live to regret! Too much is fatal! Vist Lucy Wong's blog 4 dimension of health and let Professor of Love show you how to maintain perfect health with her secret tonic for man and woman. The website url is

Article from : Ezine-Articles.Org

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