Monday, October 19, 2009

Suntan, Sunburn And Sun Poisoning

A moderate sun exposure has never harmed your skin. It helps in building vitamin D in your body which proves to be very beneficial for your body. It has been found that vitamin D can minimize the cancer deaths with the presence of enough vitamin D. With the presence of pros, sun also has enough number of cons in its bag. Due to sun's exposure you can get a suntan or sun burn as well as sun poisoning. We have glorified the suntan skin due to the continuous glaring visions of half-naked men and women running on the beach. But there is more truth to it than what you see on the TV. Suntan causes skin to deteriorate faster with a leathery, wrinkled skin which may be diseased by skin cancer.

Sun poisoning is also known as Photodermatitis, sunburn or sun allergy. It is non-scientific term which mainly results in skin allergies. It affects people with light-skin as they have less protective skin pigment. Anyone for that matter can be affected when over-exposed to the sun. Sun poisoning occurs when combined with drugs, cosmetics, chemical and plants. If you have been working in a farm and in contact with the chemicals as well the plants it may cause an allergic reaction. Wearing a certain deodorant or using a certain kind of soap or shampoo can also lead to an allergic reaction for sun poisoning. Having medicines for blood pressure, birth control, diabetes or fungus infection or ringworm can also be one of the causes for sun poisoning. Suntan affects differently to the different skin types. They are slotted into six categories which depend on the different skin types.

The different skin types are-

Very sensitive which burns and never tans

Tanning is very little but can burn easily

Tanning is gradual and burning is moderate

Easily tans with less burns

Tans abundantly and very rarely burns

Least sensitive with less burns and heavy tanning

Self-Care Measures

If you want to get a sun tan do it gradually as over-exposing your skin for the first time may just burn your skin

Avoid sun when it's at the peak i.e. between 10 to 2 pm

Wear a suntan lotion to avoid those UVB rays

An overcast weather dosen't mean safe from UVB rays, it can still burn your skin.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking good amount of water

Have zinc oxide as your sunscreen

Use a sunscreen which has Parasol 1789 as it helps in protecting your skin from ultra-violet rays

Apply sun screen at least 15 -20 minutes before you head outside

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer. Kevin Pederson can guide you about home remedies and provide different ways to prevent these illnesses. Home remedies for over exposure by sun. Some Precautionary measures to treat the sunburned skin.

Article from: Ezine-Articles.Org

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Exercise And The Benefits To Older Skin

Exercise is not only good for young skin, but it can also have amazing benefits for older skin too.

Exercise has been linked to benefits with the skin for years now, and it is no big surprise that if you exercise regularly, your skin will really reap the benefits. So just what benefits can exercise provide for older skin?

The Benefits of Exercise on Older Skin:

From: Ezine-Articles.Org

Keeping yourself in shape when you are older not only improves your fitness level, helps you to live longer, and help to firm the skin, but it can also help to heal the skin.

Older skin is generally more prone to wounds and sores, and exercise can really help to heal them. Even if you have never exercised in your life, if you start exercising regularly when you are older, you will still see the benefits.

As you get older, less exercise is needed and so you generally need to exercise for around fifteen minutes per day. It all depends upon the type of exercise which you do. If for example you fancy a walk, you only have to do fifteen minutes.

However, if you wanted to ride a stationary bike, you would have to do thirty minutes in order for the benefits to really show. The most essential thing to do before exercising is to warm up. If you do not warm up for at least ten minutes by stretching, you are likely to cause an injury to your body throughout the actual exercise.

Common skin problems in older people include age spots, bruising, Actinic Keratoses, and Cherry angiomas. Actinic Keratoses is basically a thick, rough, warty, growth which appears on sun exposed skin. Cherry angiomas are small, bright red domes which are created by dilated blood vessels.

Exercise helps by boosting antioxidants which fight free radicals which cause ageing. By fighting the free radicals, it leaves the skin healthier and younger looking and feeling, and that helps the skin to heal a lot better. The main benefit of exercise helping to heal wounds is that it stops infections.

Infections can be extremely worrying for elderly people and they can cause a lot of problems. As you get older your immune system is not as healthy as it used to be. This means that there is a lot more stress on it and it is harder to fight off any infection. Even small infections can lead to serious problems and sometimes in extreme cases, it could be fatal.

So what are the best exercises for older people then? Well walking is a really gentle exercise and many older people find it really enjoyable. Swimming is also another popular choice and there are often specially designed swimming days for older people too so check out your local pool to see if they offer these classes.

Some older people even go jogging, but obviously that will depend upon your current fitness level, you may simply wish to just stick to walking.

Generally all exercise can be done by any age. Even yoga can still be done whilst you are in your seventies! There really is no excuse and the benefits far outweigh the effort of having to actually do the exercise! So, if you want your skin to heal a lot quicker as well as keeping it firm and flexible, exercise is definitely the way to go about it!

Exercise generally increases collagen production which in turn helps to keep the skin firm. If you are an older person looking to start exercise, it is always important to check with your doctor to see what they recommend. They will be able to match you to something which will best fit your ability level. Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great FREE
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

5 Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Beautiful

Being beautiful is more about preparation and less about what you are born with. Work with what you have diligently and daily and you have a recipe for true beauty. Here are 5 tips to put into use immediately:

1. Know What You Want Ahead of Time

Go through magazines and find someone with your body and skin type who has had a makeover. If you are considering a hair makeover, as well, then look through hair magazines for women with your hair type.

2. Create a Daily and Weekly Ritual of Beauty

Once you know what you want, create a daily skin care ritual and a once a week pampering session. At the very least this should include - cleanser, moisturizer and an at home facial. If you have acne try Proactiv Solution 4-piece with Daily Oil Control

3. Head to the Counter

Go to the Beauty Counter at any Major Department Store and have them give you a free consultation. You do not need a million products! Start with the basics - powder, lip liner, lip gloss, blush, a basic eye shadow pack and mascara.

4. Practice Applying Makeup

Spend 10 - 15 minutes a day practicing applying your makeup for the first week. Remember to always apply, at the bare minimum, some lip gloss and mascara before leaving the house. Get out the magazine that you found with the look you want and practice recreating it.

Tip - Just remember that these models have been digitally enhanced so go for as close as possible without beating yourself up if it is not exactly the same.

5. Gut Your Closet once every 6 months

Go to your closet right now and give away anything that you haven't worn in the last two years. Throw out the shirts and jeans that are falling apart or that are so faded that you can barely tell what color they are. And get some good sturdy hangers to hang your clothes on. Finally budget some money to get a few key pieces to complete what is left of your wardrobe.

Tip: Set up a savings account that has a certain amount automatically taken out of your paycheck each week. You decide the amount. Then treat yourself every 3 - 6 months to a new outfit or pampering session.

Take these basics and use them on a daily basis. The beauty industry knows that being beautiful is about enhancing what you have. Take their little secret to heart and practice it daily. Caterina Christakos a published author and dating coach. Learn how to be more beautiful confident and seductive. Just go to:

From : Ezine-Articles.Org

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How much do you know about 'soft drinks'?

Soft much do you know about them?

Most of the water on the earth today has been seriously polluted and dirtied by various artificial means, such as industrial and agricultural wastes, household chemicals, sewage and unseen chemicals and heavy metals. All these we are aware and most of us know how to use a filter to filter polluted waters before drinking.

What about those drinks, those unsafe drinks full of additives, colorings, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificially flavored and so much carbonated? What part of our body serves as a filter? Which body organ is doing the dirty job? Have you ever thought about a replacement of that specific body organ?

Our kidney, our liver are doing these fantastic jobs in filtering and detoxifying poisonous and toxemia from our blood system obtained from liquids and foods that we drink and eat everyday. Do you think that one day our liver or kidney would be overworked or overloaded and failed to do their work? By then where are you going to get a spare kidney? A spare liver? From just any animal? That is impossible! or waiting for some body's kidney or liver?

Our body organs are precious and priceless and no where can spares be bought or replaced as easily as we do to vehicles. Spare parts of cars or motors can be easily manufactured and mass-produced. Robots, machines or any engines can be repaired and replaced. So far, I have yet to read or discover any factory or industry that can make or manufacture human body parts. That would be one wonderful business, I guess... if there is, but.....

Most soft drinks are carbonated producing a fizzy taste and feeling when opened. The carbon dioxide gas is forced into the sweet liquid and pressurized. Carbon dioxide is considered a waste product of human metabolism and should be expelled and avoided. The situation worsens when the soft drink is again fortified with phosphoric acid. Our human blood must be maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.3 at all times. It is we who purposely upset the natural balance of our blood. The more acid our blood level becomes, the more tendency our body cells will grow abnormally..

One serving of 350ml serving of coke, pepsi or similar soft drink delivers a sugar content equivalent to about 3 to 5 tablespoons of refined sugar straight into our bloodstream, instantly upsetting our blood's PH balance. It is so acidifying that our body immediately counteracts by extracting organic calcium from our bones and teeth and neutralizing our blood. It will slowly drain our calcium reserves in our body causing osteoporosis and weaken bones. Is that worth it?

What else? Worst of all is this hazardous refined white sugar we call 'sucrose' which will upset our blood's PH the instant one eats sugary products. The white plague... is notorious in nutrients robbing. It is also famous for upsetting the balance of our blood's PH, but how many people knows about it? Something should be done. Whose fault is it that most of us are ignorant of the dangers of soft drinks?

Stay away from soft drinks, avoid buying and stocking up cartoons of soft drinks, meant as 'good will' for our guests, but actually endangering their health. New Year is never complete without soft drinks, some told me that... but if really they know how much harm it will cause us, how much pain and suffering it will result in, nobody would like to invite trouble and buy sickness. Leave alone those soft drinks, for goodness sake.

Soft drinks are mostly sweetened with refined cane sugar or corn syrup. It contains no vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein or any essential nutrients. Studies have shown a corelation between soft drinks with obesity. It is high-caloried and linked to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. Most fizzy soft drinks may have a pH of 3 or even lower. It is an extremely acidic drink and also erode the tooth enamel leading to further decay of our teeth. Some soft drinks even contain carcinogens known as benzene, a cancer-causing agent.

We are what we used to drink too, not just we are what we eat!

If you want to know more, I can just tell you another unfortunate case whereby a young prince who lived the palace died at the age of 12 from overeating of wrong foods and drinks. Well, just to let you know, this prince never drink plain water, his favourite drink was coke, and red meats, just any junk foods and was in the care of an 'amah' who knew nothing, and who thought that all those foods and drinks can be consumed. But? In the end, is it affection or a curse????? Don't live to regret! Too much is fatal! Vist Lucy Wong's blog 4 dimension of health and let Professor of Love show you how to maintain perfect health with her secret tonic for man and woman. The website url is

Article from : Ezine-Articles.Org

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

10 Tips For Choosing Healthy Cosmetics And Personal Care Products

The cosmetic and personal care product industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry ... and growing. New products are coming onto the market every day.

Manufacturers play to your emotions in their advertising and packaging. They tell you their products will make you look more beautiful, younger, sexier and help you attract your perfect mate. They promise to erase blemishes, wrinkles, make your skin smoother and softer. In fact, any flaws that you see in yourself, real or imagined, there is most likely a product on the market that promises to fix it.

Can you believe all the claims you read or hear about these products? Is there really truth in advertising? Where do you find the answers to these questions? How can you really be sure that a product will do what the manufacturer says it will? And most importantly, how do you know that the products are healthy and safe to use?

Here are some things for you to look out for when choosing products you're going to use on your skin:

1. Magazine and other print ads

They're designed to make you want to buy. They promise you radiant skin, a healthy glow, age-defying skin care, purity, safe and effective products made with natural ingredients. They make the product sound so good and good for you that you just want to go out and buy it. But don't buy yet. You need more information.

2. Radio and TV ads

In 30 seconds or less, you'll hear all the wonderful benefits you'll receive from choosing their products - softer, silkier, healthier hair; smoother, younger-looking skin and more. Manufacturers spend a lot of money trying to convince you to buy their products. Don't jump up and rush to the store after seeing or hearing one of their compelling ads. They're not telling you everything you need to know.

3. Celebrity endorsements

Companies pay celebrities a lot of money to endorse their products. They hope you'll think that because the celebs say wonderful things about their products, you'll want to use them too. Don't fall for this.

4. Samples in the mail

What better way to get you to try their product than to give you a little bit to test on yourself? You get to experience first hand how the product smells, feels, lathers, absorbs, etc. Now while you may like how it smells, performs and the result you get, you still don't have enough information to assess the health and safety of the product.

5. "Natural" on the label

This suggests that the product is made of ingredients from natural sources. However, there are no industry standards for what "natural" means. The product may contain all natural ingredients, just a few natural ingredients added to a synthetic product or no natural ingredients at all.

6. "Organic" on the label

Beware of products that claim to be 95%, 90% or some other high percentage organic on the label. According to cosmetic chemist Paul Lieber, it's physically impossible for more than 30-40% of the ingredients to be organic, unless it's organic oil. Why? Because typically 60-70% of a product is water and water cannot be certified organically grown, even if it's distilled or processed with organic herbs or essential oils.

7. Hypoallergenic

This doesn't mean the product won't cause allergic reactions. There are no standards defining hypoallergenic. It just means the manufacturer believes it's less likely to cause allergic reactions. In many cases, it's not even tested; only fragrances are removed.

8. Pretty labels

Manufacturers spend a lot of money designing labels to make you think their product is natural, herbal, healthy and will do amazing things if you use it. The truth is ... the information on the front of the label doesn't tell you anything about the health and safety of the ingredients inside the package. Don't base your decision on what's on the front of the label.

9. The ingredients list

This is the most important piece of information that you absolutely must read before you buy any product. The ingredient list is where you find out if the product really contains safe and healthy ingredients or not. This is not what the manufacturers wants you to read on their labels. That's why they make it so tiny you need a magnifying glass to read it. Buy one and carry it with you in your pocket or purse. Take it out when you're trying to read that microscopic print.

10. Incomplete ingredient lists

Many companies, because of increased consumer awareness of the ingredients in skin care products will list only the known herbal and healthy ingredients on their website or in their advertisements. If you don't read carefully, you may think that what they list is the complete list of ingredients in the product ... that is until you buy the product and read the full list of ingredients on the label. Beware of this deceptive practice.

Now, you may be wondering how you're supposed to know if the ingredients on the label are safe or not. Most of the ingredients are not listed in plain, understandable, everyday language. Well, you don't need to hire your own personal cosmetic chemist. There is a simple solution. Dying To Look Good is an easy-to-use book, written in plain, understandable language, that classifies ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products according to safety and lists products that are safe and healthy to use. If you check the ingredients on all product labels before you buy with the list of ingredients in Dying To Look Good, you will be able to confidently choose products that are safe and healthy. © 2006 Christine H. Farlow, D.C., "The Ingredients Investigator" and author of DYING TO LOOK GOOD. Learn more about ingredient safety in skin care products and find healthy products at

Article from : Ezine-Articles.Org

Thursday, May 7, 2009

5 Ways to Become Attractive

While you're sitting there reading this you're going to learn that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to being attractive it all starts with how you feel about yourself. If you don't think of yourself as attractive you won't be able to exude this image when in public. So to better help you begin feeling attractive. Here is a list of steps you can take.

Way to Become Attractive #1 Take Proper Care of Yourself

This means that your diet should be a healthy one. It should be the one which is low calorie and low fat, and devoid of fast food. The majority of your meals should be filled with brightly colored vegetables and fruits. In addition, you should also have a strenuous workout regimen, one in which you exercise at least five times per week. Lastly, don't forget to drink plenty of water. In fact, water should be mostly what you drink because it help cleanses impurities from the body.

Way to Become Attractive #2 Don't Subscribe to All the Latest Fads

Fads come and go, especially in the beauty and health industry. The sad fact is that most of these fads are scams and don't work. The only scientifically proven way to stay healthy and attractive long into old age is through a healthy diet and exercise.

Way to Become Attractive #3 Don't Compare Yourself to Others

An attractive person is one who stands out from the rest of the pack, so it's amazing that most people strive to look like certain celebrities. Look, the fact of the matter is that no matter how hard a person tries they will never be able to mold their body and feature to look like their favorite famous person. Instead of focusing on this, they should focus on becoming attractive in a unique way. This approach will get a person noticed much faster.

Way to Become Attractive #4: Don't Wear Yourself Out

Starving yourself and forcing yourself through rigorous exercise in the gym day in and day out is counterproductive to looking attractive and being healthy. Of course, you want to be thin. But you should not be so thin that you look sick. You can kill yourself in the gym everyday if you want, but you must make sure that you're eating a properly balanced diet so that your body can benefit from the exercise properly.

Way to Become Attractive #5 Be Committed

You should understand that being healthy and attractive is a lifetime commitment. Sure, occasionally you're going to slip and eat a big greasy hamburger. But understand that 99.9% of the time you won't be doing this. There's absolutely no way around this. If you're not committed to the lifestyle you won't be able to live it.

We live in a society where everyone has become obsessed with how other people see them. If you truly want to become attractive and start standing out then you have to follow the steps above, as well as build self-confidence in yourself that you're an attractive person. If you can do this, other people will pick up on this and you truly will be an attractive person. Yuki Shoji offers a *free Report on \"How you can look & stay attractive by eating foods\". Go Here And Claim Your copy now at
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Article from : Ezine-Articles.Org

Monday, May 4, 2009

Antiaging Pill - A Shortcut

There is a lovely saying in English, "If you want a difficult task to be done in the easiest possible manner, give it to a lazy person." How true! Human beings always looked for short cuts and comforts in life. They always seemed to want more when it comes to comfort, when it comes to having better results faster.

Look at women's beauty treatments, for example. Once upon a time, the only way to remove unwanted hair from the body was with wax. Soon it was replaced with a better method called electrolysis where with the help of a laser needle it would be able to kill the hair so it never bothered you again. Hardly did this type of treatment stabilize, that the laser diode method came in vogue. In this method, you still use the laser, but instead of applying it hair by hair, it would be applied on a large area of skin whereby the hair would be eliminated faster and easier.

Is There An Antiaging Pill?

Talking from the point of view of one antiaging pill... first, let us make this aspect clear. There is no one such pill available. If this would be so, it would definitely be worth its weight in gold. Imagine, having a pill that you have to take for a certain period after which you are say, ten or twenty years younger. Wow! It makes your heart skip a beat just thinking of such a possibility.

Unfortunately, there is no such magic wand, no such antiaging pill. However, we do have a number of anti-aging related treatments that may make some difference in the weight of the years we carry on our shoulders. One that deserves mention here is the hormone pills / treatment.

The hormones are the magic wands of the body. These are substances that are produced by adrenal glands, which control the function of the various organs in the body. They also control largely the overall aging process. It is true that in some instances the hormone therapy works wonders. However, there is not sufficient evidence to say that as a rule this could be the much-sought-after antiaging pill. Besides, meddling with the hormones production can be as dangerous as smoking in a dynamite warehouse. You never know when and how it can backfire with fatal results.

Other treatments, besides the antiaging pill, worth mentioning would be the course of supplements of natural anti-oxidants such as goji berries, blue berries, acai berries, mangosteen and so on. Each one of them has been reported to work to some extent or other. However, unless and until we have real proof in terms of findings from standard medical research studies, the reports cannot be generalized for the public at large. Visit anti aging secrets to learn more about anti aging. Paul Johnson became interested in antiaging when he reached 30, wanting to preserve youth as long as possible.

Article from : Ezine-Articles.Org